35 Soon.. and off i Digress

479 Followers.. without even trying, now that feels rewarding – but it know it is the virtual world, so it could be non existent tomorrow, then, would it even matter? well i hope so, I Am hoping my photos and life perspectives will leave behind – unintentionally,  the answers to some of life’s many unspoken questions which many of us never ask out aloud as we merely discuss this internally and then we internalize with our own perspective and this is a very one sided Opinion – Opinions are like A$$ H0!#$ because everyone has one, but nobody likes to hear anyone else’s. So Surely we should all have the ability to choose whether our present and current life state is Good or Bad, but it seems that Internal Dialogue that you are having is getting in the way of you choosing the happier and brighter perspective of life.

Becoming aware of the internal conversation you are having on a daily basis, This in turn could alter your actions in the present moment, if you view something as boring, slow, Amazing, Upsetting or Exciting  your next physical actions will be carried out and fueled by what the Mind perceives is the case. Choose What makes your Heart Happy.

Shakespeare once said – “Nothing is Good Or Bad, Thinking makes it so”

soooooooooooooo ill just leave that there.

But i Digress, Tomorrow is my Birthday..  i will be 35 years breathing.

Parts Manager by the age of 30 is not to bad, but there have been worse and there are much better but who am i to Judge – Each to their own i guess. Married for 7 Years on December the 17th 2018, was a Beautiful Beginning then things went pear shaped and the seas where rough, i was a dick and so was the wife each contributing towards, what seemed to be the impending doom of our relationship.. but we prevailed and now we are here – i think we are in a nice place (it could always be better though – Then ‘How Much is Enough?’) we have plenty of laughs, we give each other space i sit on PC and type and watch youtube, wife watches TV and cooking and learns about Baking stuffs, we eat together we sometimes play Minecraft together, i sit and watch TV with my lovely lady but TV puts me to sleep, so i quite frequently Xray the TV – fortunately i dont watch to much TV… i forget where i am going with this……….. please just wait a few.

1 minute later.

Ok yes, i was saying where i am in Life at the age of 35 – Presently I Am Here. The moment that last Letter or Word was typed i am no longer there I Am now Here.

Sitting in my Study with the Light on my face from the study window.


with one of the worlds greatest Views looking onto Durban in South Africa.20180429_154959280947766.jpg

probably history going down in this photo in the valley n the streets or ally ways of the town, a Person giving a gift or celebrating a special occasion, suffering the loss of a loved one, a Murder or farm attack, house breaking or hijacking or any other unfortunate event, there could have also even been a wedding or a birth. anyway, its good to know my story is chilled at the moment with nothing unfortunate (but i know something is coming, but will cross that bridge when it comes)

My Lovely Wife is currently Baking me a Cake to take to work tomorrow – One of the things she knows how to do the bestest.


she said it will be vanilla chocolate and with caramel and some other sweet shit on top. will post a picture when it comes.

At our work we are allowed a half day when it is our birthday, except this year i could not take it because it is on a month end (unlike the other 34) so i took it early on Thursday and Friday was a public holiday and it was not my turn t work on Saturday, so that was a good long weekend.

i am also starting my Leave from Tuesday next week for 10 working days and with my wife not having a permanent place of employment and with her working for herself we can be on leave together, so we are looking forwards to that ❤

that’s about it from my side, and now that i have typed this much and far i realize that i don’t think there was any purpose or goal behind this post and it was just my inner voice talking or maybe there was and it got lost among the inner jibber jabber and my monkey mind (google that)

time for me to make some tea and offer the wife a cup.

, i went to get a shirt because it is starting to get a bit fresh. 20180429_1608231295774061.jpg

this is the screenshot of the Weather App on my phone dates 29.04.2018 16:15ish

I wear that shirt my sister got me from Australia at home because some people (especially these day and age) are miserable bastards and will get upset, and i just do not want to have to deal with the wadda wadda wadda that that will come with.

so instead i can post this on here and annoy you all instead – feel free to go full keyboard warrior below in the comments section as you have the right to share your Opinion (Refer my definition of an Opinion above)

anyways… i am not on my way to make some tea as mentioned previously (i hope and it was not just the voice in my head and it never materialized) – i just scrolled up and i confirmed i did mention the Tea. a bit concerning i cant remember typing that earlier….. must not have been important.


thank you for listening to your own inner voice reading to you what i have wrote and the time you shared doing so.

The Last Hours of my 34th year – Onward and Upwards (as far and as much as the universe and its Energey shall allow.

Bless you

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